All posts by Nadine LAURET

The interview (in English) of our CEO in the webzine : La Lettre ECO du GIIN

Interview with Dominique Mallet, President of Thermocoax

Thermocoax’s HAF 604 certificate has been extended by China until 2022. On this occasion, its president, Dominique Mallet, is accommodating the GIIN.


How would you describe yourself and Thermocoax in a few key words?

DM – I joined Thermocoax at the end of 2013 after a career within international industrial groups. At this time, just like numerous other companies in the sector, we were faced with the uncertainty of the global nuclear market. One or our objectives then was to maintain our expertise in technical products and major projects, while developing internationally. Thermocoax has a wealth of 260 employees spread over 4 production sites – one site of which is dedicated solely to nuclear in Normandy – and 2 product expertise centres. In these centres we undertake the development, design and industrialisation of new solutions. They are based on our flagship technology – the cable with mineral insulation – silicone heating products, the measuring system and signal transmission.

In 2016, our turnover reached € 40 m.

Apart from these products, that which sets us apart from our competitors is the creativity and flexibility that we associate with the robustness of operation of much larger scale businesses.


Historically, the first activities of the company Thermocoax concentrated on the nuclear industry. What were the first customers to put their trust in you?

DM – That’s true, nuclear has been in our DNA since the company was created in 1957. The company was then called Société Anonyme d’Etudes & Réalisations Nucléaires (Nuclear Design & Realisation). It is only since 1982 that the company has taken on the name Thermocoax. Our career in the nuclear industry really started with CEA in France and GE in the United States. We then worked a lot with Framatome then Areva and EDF, with which we have continued to maintain useful cooperation. And today, for heating elements for use in nuclear “pressurisers”, across all platforms we are the number one company in terms of installed equipment across the world.


Today, what is the distribution of your activities between nuclear, aeronautical and space?

DM – This distribution is split into three thirds: one third for nuclear, one for aerospace and one for premium industries. We are therefore not tributaries for the cycles of any particular sector. We have specific certifications for each of these sectors. Our strength is in our capacity to provide bespoke products rather than from a catalogue, which helps strengthen the sustainability of our company.

With regard to nuclear, we are working a lot on instrumentation systems, particularly to measure physical quantities in the reactor core, such as temperature, neutron flows or even measuring the water level…


You have been on the Chinese market for more than twenty years. Can you tell us a bit more about your success in the Middle Kingdom?

DM – The company was first brought in by Framatome on the Chinese market with Daya Bay in the eighties. Today, with the increasing autonomy of China, we have built and maintain a robust network with local players – the major electrical operators, engineering companies and EPC – which are increasingly becoming our direct contacts.

At the end of 2016, a new market opened for the supply of neutron measurements for the first ‘Hualong’ plants of the CGN group, on which we based our position in partnership with a local player. We didn’t win this since the Russian players were the awarded this project.


You recently announced that the nuclear safety administration of the People’s Republic of China has extended your HAF 604 certificate. Can you explain to us what this certificate consists of? What experience feedback can you give?

DM – The HAF 604 certification aims to recognise the contribution of foreign-owned companies. Its role is to validate and inspect a pool of suppliers capable of being present on Chinese projects. It’s an indispensable door-opener. But it is also a voluntary approach, because it is a certification that needs very detailed rationale, and, on the industrial level, we are also seeking to protect our know-how.

Obtaining this certification, and not only this, by the way, is a good strategy that is paying off for us today. Due to the capability of working on several construction codes, for example, our company supplies China and is lining up to India and the USA. That is not even to mention our participation in

the HPC programme in Britain.

The situation in Russia is different: the market, mature and very closed in terms of technology, is self-sufficient. Our approach on this market is solicitous and opportunistic.


You pointed out during the Bourget 2017 fair that Thermocoax was going to launch a recruitment campaign this year. Do these recruitments also concern your nuclear activities?

DM – Yes, the nuclear activities are also concerned. 40 people are joining the group this year. We are achieving a growth of + 30 % in orders overall. We still have difficulty recruiting for technical posts. We are seeking candidates for production, industrialisation and engineering.


To conclude, what is your vision of the nuclear sector in terms of service-providing companies? How do you think it is going to develop, particularly on the international level?


DM – The global nuclear market has moved to China today and will be in India tomorrow. Our entire sector, faced with this great opportunity, has the challenge to increase and assess our competitive advantages, to guarantee performance criteria remotely and to supply and to seek out local partnerships. At the national and European level, we need a favourable and dynamic ecosystem which includes the political level, to be able to make arrangements for new territories.

With regard to innovation within Thermocoax, we have signed up to the major players of the sector within a development phase: through partnerships with EDF, projects with the CEA and Areva. We are working on solutions for tomorrow’s nuclear safety. Finally, based on the good practices of EDF, we can change the specifications of other electricians for more reliability and safety. We are therefore completing K1 60 years certification for our primary coolant loop instruments.


About Thermocoax – NDLR –

Thermocoax is a medium-sized French company specialising in thermal solutions and sensors for harsh environments for the nuclear and aerospace industries. One of the company’s strengths is its expertise in the manufacture of cables resistant to a temperature of up to 2000°C. This technology has allowed unique solutions to be developed.

The company has two production sites in France, one site of which is entirely dedicated to nuclear and workshops in Germany and the United States. 70 % of the production is exported.


An interview (in French only) of our CEO in the webzine : La Lettre ECO du GIIN

Interview de Dominique Mallet, Président de Thermocoax

La certification HAF 604 de Thermocoax est prolongée par la Chine jusqu’en 2022. A cette occasion, son président, Dominique Mallet, reçoit le GIIN.


Comment vous présenteriez-vous et Thermocoax en quelques mots clés ?

DM – J’ai rejoint Thermocoax fin 2013 après un parcours au sein de groupes industriels internationaux. A cette époque, au même titre que de nombreuses entreprises du secteur, nous étions confrontés à l’incertitude du marché nucléaire mondial. L’un de nos objectifs d’alors a été de préserver notre expertise sur les produits techniques et les grands projets, tout en nous développant à l’international. Thermocoax est riche de 260 salariés répartis sur 4 sites de production – dont un site dédié au seul nucléaire en Normandie – et 2 centres d’expertise produit. Dans ces centres, nous réalisons le développement, la conception et l’industrialisation des nouvelles solutions. Elles se fondent sur notre technologie phare – le câble à isolant minéral –, les produits silicone chauffants, le système de mesure et de transmission de signal.

En 2016, notre chiffre d’affaires a atteint 40 millions d’euros.

Au-delà des produits, ce qui nous différencie de nos concurrents, c’est la créativité et la flexibilité que nous associons à une robustesse de fonctionnement d’entreprises de taille plus importante.


Historiquement, les premières activités de la société Thermocoax se concentrent sur l’industrie nucléaire. Quels ont été vos premiers clients à vous faire confiance ?

DM – Effectivement, le nucléaire est dans notre ADN depuis la création de l’entreprise en 1957. La société s’appelait alors Société Anonyme d’Etudes & réalisations nucléaires. Ce n’est que depuis 1982 que la société a pour nom Thermocoax. Notre parcours dans l’industrie nucléaire a réellement commencé avec le CEA en France et GE aux Etats-Unis. Nous avons ensuite beaucoup travaillé avec Framatome puis Areva et EDF, avec lesquels nous entretenons toujours de fructueuses coopérations. Et aujourd’hui, pour les éléments chauffants destinés aux « pressuriseurs » nucléaires, toutes plateformes confondues, nous sommes la première société en parc installé dans le monde.


Quelle est aujourd’hui la répartition de vos activités entre le nucléaire, l’aéronautique et  le spatial ?

DM – Cette répartition se fait sur trois tiers : un tiers pour le nucléaire, un pour l’aéronautique/le spatial et un pour les industries premium. Nous ne sommes donc pas tributaires des cycles d’un secteur particulier. Nous possédons des certifications spécifiques pour chacun de ces secteurs. Notre force réside dans notre capacité à fournir des produits sur mesure plutôt que sur catalogue, ce qui contribue à renforcer la pérennité de notre entreprise.

En ce qui concerne le nucléaire, nous travaillons beaucoup sur les systèmes d’instrumentation, en particulier pour la mesure de grandeurs physiques dans le cœur du réacteur comme la température, les flux de neutrons ou encore la mesure de niveau d’eau…


Vous êtes sur le marché chinois depuis plus de vingt ans. Pouvez-vous nous en dire un peu plus sur vos succès dans l’empire du Milieu ?

DM – L’entreprise a d’abord été portée par Framatome sur le marché chinois avec Daya Bay dans les années 80. Aujourd’hui, avec l’autonomie croissante de la Chine, nous avons construit et entretenons un réseau robuste avec les acteurs locaux – les grands opérateurs électriques, les engineerings et EPC –  qui deviennent de plus en plus nos interlocuteurs directs.

Fin 2016, un nouveau marché s’est ouvert pour la fourniture de mesures neutroniques pour les premiers Hualong du groupe CGN sur lesquels nous nous sommes positionnés en partenariat avec un acteur local. Ce qui n’était pas gagné puisque les acteurs russes étaient référents sur ce projet.


Vous avez récemment annoncé que l’administration de sûreté nucléaire de la République populaire de Chine a prolongé votre certification HAF 604. Pouvez-vous nous expliquer en quoi consiste cette certification ? Quel REX pouvez-vous faire ?

DM – La certification HAF 604 a pour objectif de reconnaître l’apport des entreprises hors pays. Et elle a vocation à valider et contrôler un pool de fournisseurs aptes à être présents sur les projets chinois. C’est un sésame indispensable. Mais c’est aussi une démarche volontaire parce que c’est une certification qui demande des justifications très détaillées, et en tant qu’industriel, nous cherchons également à protéger notre savoir-faire.

Obtenir cette certification, et pas uniquement celle-ci d’ailleurs, est bien une stratégie payante aujourd’hui pour nous. Grâce à sa capacité à travailler sur plusieurs codes de constructions par exemple, notre entreprise fournit la Chine et se met sur les rangs pour l’Inde et les USA. Sans même parler de notre participation au programme HPC en Grande-Bretagne.

La situation est différente en Russie : le marché, mûr et très fermé en matière de technologies, est auto-suffisant. Notre approche sur ce marché est attentive et opportuniste.


Vous avez indiqué, lors du salon du Bourget 2017 que Thermocoax allait lancer une campagne de recrutement cette année. Ces recrutements concernent-ils aussi vos activités nucléaires ?

DM – Oui, les activités nucléaires sont également concernées.  40 personnes rejoindront le groupe cette année. Nous réalisons une croissance de + 30 % de l’ensemble des commandes. Nous avons toujours des difficultés à recruter des profils techniques. Nous cherchons des candidats en production, industrialisation, ingénierie.


Pour terminer, quelle est votre vision de la filière nucléaire du point de vue des entreprises prestataires ? Comment pensez-vous qu’elle va évoluer en particulier à l’international ?

DM – Le marché nucléaire mondial s’est déplacé vers la Chine aujourd’hui et l’Inde demain. Toute notre filière, face à cette formidable opportunité, a le défi d’argumenter et de valoriser nos avantages concurrentiels, de garantir à distance les critères de performance et de livraison, de s’interroger sur les partenariats locaux. Au niveau national et européen, nous avons besoin d’un écosystème bienveillant et dynamique, qui relève aussi du politique, pour nous projeter vers de nouveaux territoires.

En ce qui concerne l’innovation au sein de Thermocoax, nous nous inscrivons dans une phase de développement avec de grands acteurs de la filière : via des partenariats avec EDF, des projets avec le CEA et Areva. Nous travaillons à des solutions pour la sûreté nucléaire de demain, Enfin, sur la base des bonnes pratiques EDF, nous poussons à faire évoluer les spécifications des autres électriciens vers plus de fiabilité et de sécurité. Nous finaliserons ainsi la certification K1 60 ans pour nos instruments de boucle primaire.


A propos de Thermocoax – NDLR –

Thermocoax est une entreprise française de taille intermédiaire spécialisée dans les solutions thermiques et les capteurs pour environnements sévères pour l’industrie du nucléaire, de l’aéronautique et de l’espace. L’un des points forts de l’entreprise est son expertise dans la fabrication de câbles résistant à une température jusqu’à 2000°C. Cette technologie permet de développer des solutions uniques.

L’entreprise possède deux sites de production en France, dont un site entièrement dédié au nucléaire et des ateliers en Allemagne et aux Etats unis. 70 % de la production est exportée.





THERMOCOAX has reached a major milestone this year. The company is celebrating its 60th anniversary.

60 years of service to our customers, 60 years of innovation in the nuclear, aerospace, semicon, and industrial markets meeting the expectations of these sectors through their constantly evolving applications.

To celebrate this event, the teams undertook the crossing of the bay of Mont Saint-Michel last month.  Braving the cold, the mud, and the rivers (sometimes full), we managed to chase the clouds and together we reached the finish line of this jewel of architecture, The Mont Saint-Michel, also called the “Wonder of the West”.  It was a very beautiful day revealing the mutual effort, team spirit, strong human values of THERMOCOAX.




Specific heating solutions for thin-film solar cells manufacturers

Heating systems for thin-film PV cells manufacturing process

Thermocoax has been designing and manufacturing innovative heating solutions for the SEMICON market for many years. We manufacture heating systems with high heat repartition homogeneity, high heat density and complex designs.

All our heating solutions and temperature sensors are manufactured using Thermocoax Mineral Insulated Cables.

This enables us to meet the most demanding specifications of the vacuum industry.

 With the arrival of new photovoltaic cell technologies that use thin-film deposition techniques (CdTe and CIGS), we are in touch with major players.

With our technology and know-how for designing high-end electrical thermal solutions, Thermocoax is now part of this technological revolution thanks to our system manufacturing partners.


Our thermal solutions meet the needs of thin- film deposition techniques and can be integrated into all vacuum processes such as PVD, CVD, PeCVD, and other deposition processes.

 Thermocoax heating cables with diameters ranging from 0.5mm to 4mm with real cold ends and small bending radius make it possible to design complex 2D or 3D electrical heating solutions.

We offer highly reliable solutions with a maximum temperature of up to 1000°C.
We offer complete thermal solutions including the metallic parts onto which the cable is fixed.

We adapt our heating cable fixing techniques depending on the thermal fluxes, whether they are very low <3W / cm² or very high >6W / cm²: welded brackets, sandwiched between 2 plates, brazed, etc…

 Here are some examples of Thermocoax heating solutions that can be integrated into vacuum deposition systems for thin-film photovoltaic cells :

  • Cylindrical radiative heaters
  • Heating vaporizers
  • Heating transfer lines
  • Radiative heating plates
  • Conductive heating plates
  • Heating chucks
  • Multi-zone rod heaters
  • Other specific heaters and thermal sensors

 All our products are customised to meet our Clients’ specifications.





我们非常自豪地宣布,我们在中国国家核安全管理局(NNSA)注册登记的HAF 604认证已经延期到2022年。




THERMOCOAX supports the 100 volt Satcom new generation. First European full electrical propulsion satcom produced by Airbus D&S.

On-board EUTELSAT 172,  THERMOCOAX provides the propulsion’s heating rings (attitude & orbit control) + the 100 volts heating elements mostly used during the transfer orbit.

Launching’s planned next June, from French Guiana Space Center.

THERMOCOAX Aeronautic Products : Grey Water Drain Mast Equipped with Electrical Anti-Icing System

Thermocoax Pedigree

THERMOCOAX is a worldwide key player and has been designing, developing and manufacturing heating solutions for aeronautic market for 20 years.

Based on the 60 years homemade Mineral Insulated Cable, we provide our customers with solutions for:

  • Ground applications:
    • R&D programs with institutes
    • Ground aero test equipment
  • Flying models:
    • Anti-icing system for pitot tube, Angle of Attack, Total Air Temperature Sensor
    • Wire Cutter (WSPS) on helicopter equipped with electrical anti-icing devices.
    • Anti-icing screen for helicopter engine air inlet.
  • Specific Application:
    • Shower Heating system for VIP business Jet


Technical Application of Grey water drain mast

To save weight, the grey water from the washbasins is ejected to the outside of the plane.

Function of the configuration, most planes are equipped with two drain masts, one at the front and one at the rear where the washbasins are.

Drains are fixed at the bottom of the fuselage exposed to the outside air.

The major risk with a drain mast is the production of ice at the tip and risking a potential impact with the fuselage or it getting sucked into the engines.


Technical Description of Drain Mast Anti-Icing

In accordance with the specification, the drain is equipped with one or two water pipes.

The shell is made using the resin-moulded method.

For optimal efficiency of the anti-icing system, THERMOCOAX technology warms up the water pipes instead of the shell.

Heating cable technology available:

  • Self-regulated cable
  • Or fixed power cable coupled with switches
  • Inconel or nickel sheath cable
  • Ø 5 up to 3mm
  • Power supply 28 or 115Vac 400hz
  • Dissipated power from 20 to 250 Watts
  • Pipe Temperature up to >40°C at -55°C environmental conditions

Each heating cable is produced with cold ends.

The cable is then wrapped onto the tube.

The cable is flexible enough to increase the volume of cable and get more heat for areas exposed to coldest conditions.

Cable is brazed on the tube for:

  • Conduction pipe/heater for more thermal efficiency
  • Robustness
  • Reliability
  • Longevity
  • Production repeatability



Thermocoax Drain Mast Final Assembly

Drain masts are developed, produced and checked in Thermocoax facilities

Acceptance Test Criteria of Drain Masts:

  • Dimensional
  • Weight
  • Line resistance
  • Insulated resistance under 500Vcc
  • Dielectric 1mn 1500Vac


Test for Qualification Program of Drain Mast

THERMOCOAX conducts the qualification test program in accordance with our customers’ specifications.

Our engineers write the QTP for customer approval prior to running the tests.

Most of the tests (thermal, humidity, electrical etc.) on the drain mast are performed in THERMOCOAX’s test lab facilities.

These require heavy equipment (vibration, acceleration, impact etc.) and are sub-contracted to external laboratories or provided by our customers with the complete water system.

-Typical Qualification Test Schedule for Drain Mast

  • Vibration
  • Acceleration
  • Impact & Crash Safety
  • Vibration
  • Pyrotechnic Shock
  • Load Test
  • Temperature & Altitude
  • Temperature Variation
  • Explosive Atmosphere
  • Waterproofing
  • Sun & Dust
  • Fluid Susceptibility
  • Salt
  • Audio, induced signal, radio frequency
  • Lightning
  • Icing
  • Fire and Flammability
  • Combined Temperature, Altitude, Humidity
  • Dielectric Test
  • Corrosion
  • Engine Blade Out
  • X-Ray Examination
  • Thermal Cycling Test



Lightning test


THERMOCOAX supplies the following platforms:

  • Dassault Falcon Jet
  • Bombardier C Series
  • Embraer EJet 1 & 2


THERMOCOAX is a key player for anti-icing systems on board aircraft platforms and is proud to participate in challenging international aero programs.

THERMOCOAX focuses on high quality heating products for the best stability and repeatability in operation. For 15 years, we have witnessed the challenges faced by our customers to manufacture aircraft and to improve the safety and comfort of passengers.


New large programs are taking shape, THERMOCOAX is ready for production ramp up and supporting the market with cost-effective drain masts.